If some of your teeth have been damaged by decay and need to be restored to their original strength, your dentist will most likely recommended a filling. There are several types of dental fillings, and while all serve the same basic function, certain types feature superior benefits, namely the ability to blend in naturally with your smile. It’s important to both know your options and how each option will benefit not just the function of your smile, but its appearance as well.
Your Options
When it comes to fillings, you generally have four options: gold, amalgam, composite resin, and porcelain. Composite resin and porcelain can be made to match the color of your tooth, which prevents the repair from standing out in your smile. Gold is often the most expensive option, while amalgam (silver) fillings are usually cost-efficient. And while they may be durable, amalgam fillings are more noticeable and tend to stand out in the smile due to their dark color.
Amalgam: The Potential Dangers of Mercury
Amalgam fillings are composed of different types of metals, such as silver, mercury, and copper. Mercury, which is crucial to the bonding process, should be the main source of concern. The amount of mercury used in fillings is safe, but its very presence makes most modern patients uncomfortable. In large amounts, mercury can be extremely harmful to our systems. This concern, coupled with the fact that amalgam fillings are easy to spot, tends to overshadow any of amalgam’s attractive benefits.
Composite Fillings: A More Attractive Solution
In recent years composite fillings have become a more popular alternative to amalgam fillings, due to their ability to blend in with your smile. Amalgam fillings essentially broadcast your mistakes, while composite fillings allow you to smile confidently. They also do not require removing as much of your teeth as amalgam fillings; when placing composite fillings, dentists will only dispose of the actual diseased portion of the infected tooth. The goal of any invasive dental procedure should be to preserve as much of your original tooth as possible, and dentists are able to fulfill this thanks to composite fillings.
Call today to repair your smile!
If you have teeth that have been damaged by cavities, our team at Wendroff & Bloom Dental can assist you. We offer teeth-colored fillings that will blend in naturally with your smile and will not compromise your health. If you’re currently sporting amalgam fillings and have concerns, it’s not too late to replace them with a healthier solution. Call today for an appointment!